Bowfishing was a bust today.

The river I visited was running high, and the water was pretty turbid. And it was hot—well into the 90s.

Overall I saw around a dozen carp today, and only got two shots off. I missed both.

I shouldn’t have missed the first fish. The carp was close, around 8-feet away and 12-inches under the surface. I think I aimed too low. Lesson learned.

The second carp was within a reasonable distance, and I’m not exactly sure why I didn’t connect. It was a longer shot, but the fish was just 10-12 inches below the surface.

After bowfishing from 11:30am to 5pm, I decided to head home. Not all days can be productive, and today was one of those days.

Here’s an interesting beetle I noticed along the shoreline. It was about the only thing picture-worthy today.

Beetle on riverside plant stalk